Imagine blending the wisdom of an experienced, award-winning, ECD/Writer and the neophytic mind of a bonafide millennial into one frightening twosome, with little to no alchemy involved.
Presenting two-headed Cam. An old dog, and a newbie who has to yet succumb to corporate cynicism, tag-teaming on your project to kick some major-league patootie. We’ll give you one guess as to which head chose that woefully outdated word.
Therein lies the beauty of this synchronized marketing duo. We merge old-fangled wisdom and new-age cultural currency to form a delicious conceptual stew.
The net result is fresh and savvy thinking in the form of mantras, mission statements, social and digital. TV, radio, and outdoor. Websites. Experiential. Guerilla warfare. Content out the wazoo. Nothing is outside of our wheelhouse, save for indifference.
Two problem solvers for the price of one. A digital native and a highly experienced traditional communicator, functioning at a blended rate that's actually affordable. We even have access to a capable third head in the form of a seasoned art director or designer should the situation call for one. A captivating concoction awaits you. Fear not. We don't bite.
Start executing on-brand, on strategy, and in a forward-leaning voice. Your answer has two heads that answer to the same name, Cameron Day.
It’s probably worth mentioning that we have a storied DNA to live up to as well. We’re both descendants of Guy Day, co-founder of the now global agency known as TBWA Chiat/Day. Son and grandson. But we're not about to let that go to either of our heads.
Two headed Cam is an unconventional solution to a new-age communication conundrum: staying fresh and strategically relevant in a rapidly evolving world. Above all else, we put our heads together to make things really interesting. References and samples of our blended thinking are available by request.
Put bluntly, you’d be hard pressed to find a more proficient pair of pile-drivers.
[As proof of concept, this brief description was crafted by both Cams, through the miracle of Google Drive, which is in no way the MOST miraculous innovation known to man, but is damn handy when it comes to collaborating.]
Enough about the old dude. You’re a click away from experiencing the millennial musings of my spawn: CAM2’S WEBSITE:
“Fresh ideas never seem to run dry with these two. Cam & Cam’s unique creative talent establishes a compelling brand voice and delivers excellent copywriting. We absolutely love working with them!” - Lewis & Partners Marketing