Keep seat belt use top of mind among Coloradans and create a campaign that can be refreshed for years to come.
Conceived and sold through the “reasons” campaign. This campaign is based on the insight that there must be thousands of good reasons for wearing a seat belt, and each one is as individual as, well, the individual. A variety of tones inform this idea, representing a cross-section of people and where they are in life. Lines were written by myself and Cam2, now the millennial half of Two-headed Cam.
MEDIA: Given that drivers are the target, the campaign makes heavy use of out-of-home and bus boards, hitting consumer where they live, and drive. Simple animated banners were also created.
ART DIRECTION: AD Cheyenne Gallien and I created the campaign look. Final art direction was nuanced by Mia Noguiera.
RESULTS: Campaign is launching throughout Colorado in August ‘20. Results TBD.